I am just not that invested in at the moment.
Don't mind the pun but the problem is that the whole thing feels like a big investment.
Not that it wasn't before with ads left, right and center but also smack bang in the middle of games as timeouts are taken specifically to stop the game and run even more ads.
Add to that, the near-disaster of the NBA lockout last season.
But now, just in case you somehow did not notice, the NBA and Commissioner Glutton Stern will shove the NBA and all its commerical and marketing glory down our throats in leaving a sour taste in everyone's mouths like an incurable hangover.
The final frontier for the NBA to create its Commercial version of Voltron has been overcome- there will be sponsors on jerseys.
I can't even fathom what is next. Athletes are covered in head-to-toe of sponsor apparel, players are contracted to tweet in endorsing companies, teams are required to drink and eat only certain products the NBA's marketing machine is Out. Of. Control.
Despite the bitching and moaning of owners and players, the NBA is blatantly not struggling for finances. They are like the billionaire who looks at all the multi-billionaires and cries about how poor he is.
The greediness is spiraling.
Even matters that players discuss are influenced by marketing. The NBA PR machine is in full effect to support the marketing madness and commercial crap in creating the "family-friendly" image of the NBA.
The NBA is in desperate need to allow the pure innocence and the ideals of human nature of sport back into the game- not encourage effort based on monetary returns.
The one time I felt removed from all the craziness was when I was watching the game on the court inbetween all the commercialisation. Now that has been taken from us and I don't know if I can get over it.