Sunday, December 23, 2012

Life lessons from sport

The first thing I learned, wait, cross that. The first thing I thought about sport was that it was about winning.

I couldn’t be more wrong. Nor am I alone.

I used to be a little crazy about my teams winning their games. Whether they won or lost would determine my mood for the rest of the week. If my team won, you couldn’t find a happier kid just buzzing with energy and bursting peoples’ eardrums with my loudness. But if heaven forbid, my teams lost, take cover. Although I still remained loud, I would be moody with feelings of agitation, annoyance and frustration as if I had lost the game myself.

Believe me, it was a lesson learned. I found out how hard it is to play sport, or trying to achieve anything else in life.

I realised it life trying to teach me one of the most important things in life:


I am happy to say that I am no longer so emotionally invested in my sports teams and whether they win or lose. I have learnt to appreciate the attempt and the effort. And this transcends into life.

We aren’t perfect and sometimes things happen but it’s about what you have learnt on the way that makes us grow as people. It’s about growing from strength to strength.

In life, it’s not about getting the car, or the job, or the house-it’s about sharing the journey with the people that care about you- even if it is in their own crazy, twisted, screwed up ways.

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